How to Keep up With Google Algorithm Updates

Google Algorithm updates are constantly changing. Depending on how we adapt to these changes Google Algorithm updates will either help or hurt you SEO.

Main reasons why an algorithm change or update can affect you:

  • Search ranking and visibility
  • Organic search traffic
  • Conversions
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • eaRevenue

What are Google Search Algorithm Updates?

The purpose of Google’s algorithm updates is always to improve user experience and help users find the right information they are looking for as quickly as possible. Each time an algorithm update is rolled out, Google reconsiders the SERP ranking of websites based on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E.A.T).

Google updates its algorithm daily, but every so often they roll-up a more robust update that is meant to adjust how it ranks different factors for its search results. Even though most of the updates go unnoticed, Google will typically update around 500-600 times a year and it is key for businesses to adjust to these more monumental changes.

Noteworthy Google Algorithm Updates

Every year, Google adjusts its algorithm hundreds of times. Most of the time, these updates go unnoticed because their SERP impact is so low. However, there have been a few significant times when Google has made updates that caused obvious changes in rankings.

Why You Should Track Google Algorithm Updates

If you’re in the profession of optimizing websites and content for search engines, then this is probably not the first time you are hearing about these updates. However, if you’re a business owner or product manager who was not impacted drastically by these algorithm updates this may be new terminology for you.
Digital marketing professionals spend the majority of their time researching and adjusting their practices to adhere to these everlasting changes in the online world.

Most people tend to think of an algorithm as a way Google punishes websites. But in reality, algorithms are a way to reward websites for providing a good user experience and relevant quality content. Google is notoriously inconspicuous when it comes to its search algorithms. Most of their updates are spotted by members of the SEO community before they are even confirmed by Google!

When we say Google is inconspicuous, we mean that they tend to not drop any hints that an update will be launched at all. With this limited documentation, it can make it extremely difficult to prepare for what is to come and if it will impact search rankings positively or negatively. Due to this, it is critical that anyone managing a website’s performance is keeping an eye on search traffic on a regular basis.

How to Track Google Algorithm Updates

In some cases, Google will use Twitter (@searchliaison) to confirm or deny an algorithm update, but this is usually reserved for the bigger core updates. The reason why Google tends to be more on the secretive side with these announcements is that they update so frequently. Sometimes Google will update daily or even twice a day, which would mean continuously updating the public on changes that may or may not affect their rankings.

For the more extensive updates, adapting to these changes is not something that will happen overnight. Some take weeks to learn about and even longer to update your sites accordingly. Due to this, it is crucial we take a deeper look into search rankings to look out for out of the ordinary activity.

If you do see something unusual, for example, seeing 7 different search results instead of the standard 10 for page one, then that will be hinting that Google should be launching something soon. If you are tracking your traffic, you can also see some large fluctuations in your results during the time of an update. It is good to keep in mind that sometimes these do go on for a while - some days, some weeks.

During this time your ranking can rise, fall, and then all of a sudden go right back to normal. It is important, especially as a digital marketer, to remind your clients that this is normal and nothing to be alarmed about unless this issue sticks for longer than a few weeks.

Tracking Google Algorithm Updates

Keep a close eye on web traffic/search ranking

Search for your most valuable keywords using your browsers private mode. Google prioritizes personalization, so even if you are searching in private mode, Google will use cookies and other types of identification to show you the most personalized results relevant to your search.

Helpful Tools: Mozcast & Accuranker Google Grump ranking

Utilize SEMRush

Has a feature (Position Track Settings - Device & Location) that lets you look at your keyword rankings as if you were searching from a different location, which is really helpful if you are trying to serve clients from out of state

Follow @searchliason on Twitter

Even though they may not be direct with all of their updates, their feed has gotten into the habit of sharing content related to upcoming updates

Staying Ahead of Google Algorithm Updates

Now, there is one thing that you can count on has remained constant throughout all the updates to keep your website from being affected negatively by an algorithm update. To avoid your website from dropping in rankings keep an online presence, no matter how the algorithm changes, the best way to survive online is to create high-quality, user-friendly content.

Make sure that your website contains updated information. Nothing makes a user more frustrated than when they finish reading something that was made 5 years ago and is probably irrelevant today.

Develop a content calendar to keep track of blog post development schedule. Set a goal for yourself and employees to make their own posts at least once a month. Depending on how many people are at your company, doing this will create a constant flow of updated information that users will find helpful.

Googles E-A-T Guidelines

Google rewards websites that show expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness with higher search rankings. In saying this, ensure your content demonstrates quality knowledge since this helps your site build authority. Especially if the site has plenty of mentions and quality backlinks to show Google that you are a trustworthy source of information.

Recovering from a Google Algorithm Update

We hope this Google Algorithm blog post has helped you understand more about Google updates and how these everlasting algorithm updates and changes have revolutionized SEO.

Through these changes, marketers and businesses will better understand what they can do to stay on Google’s good side.

Here at DeltaV Digital, we take all algorithm changes into account and stay readily available to ensure our clients do not come up short with the changes.

Schedule an appointment today and see how DeltaV Digital can help your business recover from an algorithm update and start dominating digital.

Madison Rose

View posts by Madison Rose
Maddy is an ambitious Digital Marketing Coordinator offering expertise in integrating digital marketing assets, creating online content, driving brand awareness, and coordinating digital marketing campaigns. She is a team builder, natural leader, and thrives in a fast-paced environment. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, skiing, and hanging out with colleagues.